Urgent Heart Surgery Fundraiser for Lepnaan Concludes

Lepnaan Dalyop Dakat

It is with deepest gratitude to God and to the general public that we announce the conclusion of our public solicitation of funds in order to save Lepnaan Dalyop Dakat’s heart.

In August.2023 we launched an awareness and fund-raising campaign seeing the enormity of the cost of financing an urgent heart surgery required by 5-year old Lepnaan Dalyop Dakat.

For a brief background,three years ago.Lepnaan was diagnosed with a cyanotic congenital heart disorder with pulmonary hypertension,the Cardiologists in the Jos University TeachingHospital(JUTH),having managed her condition in the last three years,stated that she wouldrequire an urgent cardiac surgery due to the severity of her heart lesions which have adversely affected her growth and development.

Lepnaan has undergone numerous hospital admissions and consistent intake of routine medication which has in turn put the familythrough untold hardship.

As of August,2023,when we started the campaign.Lepnaan’s parents were in need of$20,000 i.e N15,000,000(fifteen million naira, but the naira equivalent is higher now) to cover hospital charges,surgical procedure,travel expenses,accommodation for 4 weeks inIndia and post-surgery investigations.

We exploited all social media handles at our disposal, and to our farthest reach, in order toraise the amount needed for Lepnaan’s surgery which was and still is urgent.Interestingly,we have received financial support from spirited people to the tuneof N1,474,260 as of Monday 4h December,2023,which we consider as a huge collection in the face of Nigeria’spresent economie reality.

However,we regret to state that the amount gathered appears less than a tithe of what is required for Baby Lepnaan Dalyop Dakat’s surgery.Moreover, the contributions towards the noble cause are now gathering in trickles at’a time that her condition is becoming more precarious.

s such,we have seen the imperative to call-off the public campaign,give account of what has been raised,and chart a new course to raise funds for the treatment of Lepnaan’s heart disease.

Some people who have contributed to save Lepnaan’s heart prefer to be covered in anonymity.For this reason and for want of time and space,the name and amount of every contributor will not be mentioned here.

However.for transparency,the details will bepublished on the Facebook Page titled”Save Lepnaan Dakat”.As much as possible,all futuredonations will appear on the same page.

Our halting of the public campaign does not indicate a final stop for our mission.However,the plan is to re-strategize by knocking on doors of philanthropists,foundations,and eminent personalities,for generous donations towards saving the life of Little Lepnaan Dakat.

We are quite optimistic that God will make a way for Lepnaan to survive and that miracle could come through spontaneous huge donations or healing of Lepnaan’s heart,whichever way,the miracle can only come when we keep for her continuous treatment.

Special thanks, again, to all media agencies,organisations and support groups that are partnering with us on this project. May God bless you all.

Campaign Coordinator

Tongdat Dakat
Blessing Dakat

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